Hey! Manchester promotes gigs by folk, Americana and experimental bands from around the world in Manchester, England. Read more here, see below for our latest shows, check out our previous shows, contact us, or join our mailing list, above.

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When: 7.30pm on Saturday 8 September 2018
Where: The Eagle Inn, 19 Collier Street, Salford, M3 7DW

We’re delighted to be working with Lithics for the first time!

Featuring 12 tightly wound fragments of brittle abstract twin guitar, impellent rhythm, and absurd, imagistic lyricism, Mating Surfaces is the second full length from Portland, Oregon’s Lithics – out now on Kill Rock Stars.

Lithics exist in a nervous fragmented world, a propulsive futuristic hell where anything can be consumed at any time, where any sound from any era can be conjured and reproduced and yet most of what we are stuck with seems like a trite reproduction of a sentiment long lost. Lithics fight this impossible dreary reality with a bold minimalist vision, Can I be myself? A stern danceable sound that summons cut up snapshots of Su Tissue and Mark E Smith, an imagined landscape where Captain Beefheart hits that 99 Records Too Many Creeps beat.

This is the sound of possibility. A total collaborative vision: Aubrey Hornor’s stark stilted vocals intoning over her and Mason Crumley’s wired guitar parts, like lightbulb flashes and the whir of insects unspooled and playing off each other. Bob Desaulniers’ basslines give both structure and dissonance to the endeavour, and along with Wiley Hickson on drums, this is a rhythm section recalling art damaged yet danceable noise made in the detritus of failing cities in the late 70s/early 80s (The Lower East Side, Cleveland, Manchester…). Except Lithics is happening now, a continuing part of the vital art punk DIY underground in Portland, Oregon.

Lithics create a world that seems like it is collapsing as it’s being built. Mating Surfaces is an unnerving sound, total in its commitment to a specific vision, DIY minimalist art punk that speaks to the fact that whenever someone says the underground is dead it just demonstrates that they are just too past it to know any better.

Biography by Layla Gibbon (Maximum Rocknroll, Skinned Teen)

Local support comes from Handle – a new project featuring members of D.U.D.S. and B.E.T.H, offering post-minimal pre-sloppy Latin functional proto-samba. Handle’s EP comes out soon on Absolute Fiction.

This show is a co-promotion with Comfortable On A Tightrope.

Buy tickets now. Tickets are available from Vinyl Exchange, Ticketline.co.uk and on 0871 220 0260.

Attend on: Facebook

All shows are 18+ unless otherwise stated.