Hey! Manchester promotes gigs by folk, Americana and experimental bands from around the world in Manchester, England. Read more here, see below for our latest shows, check out our previous shows, contact us, or join our mailing list, above.

Upcoming shows: Simon Joyner... Jim Moray... Josh Rouse... John Craigie... Julian Taylor... Emily Barker... Gratis: Sophie Jamieson... Anna B Savage... C Duncan... Dustin O’Halloran... Chuck Prophet... The Ocelots... Sean Rowe... Jim Ghedi... Fionn Regan... The Weather Station... Beans on Toast... Joshua Burnside... Easter... The Loft... Martin Kohlstedt... Nadia Reid... Danny & the Champions of the World... The Delines... Helena Deland... Chris Brain... Heather Nova... Mark Eitzel... Jeffrey Martin... Federico Albanese... Amelia Coburn... Hayden Thorpe & Propellor Ensemble... Jerron Paxton... Throwing Muses... Lael Neale...

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