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When: 7.30pm on Tuesday 17 March 2015
Where: Soup Kitchen, 31-33 Spear Street, Manchester M1 1DF

We’re excited to be working with Scottish band North Atlantic Oscillation for the first time.

Edinburgh trio North Atlantic Oscillation have released their new album, The Third Day, via Kscope – and the band will embark on a UK tour to support it.

NAO have an organic and unique take on rock electronica, which is clear to see from their new track. August flows seamlessly offering a glimpse of what to expect from the forthcoming album. It’s an effortless listen from a group with an incredibly pure sound.

With their new album, North Atlantic Oscillation have created a flow of energy deserving of their meteorological namesake. At a time when music is increasingly cut down into single segments for easy digestion, the record – the first they’ve produced entirely themselves – is woven together as a whole, beautiful body of work, the tracks entwined around each other with no dead space in between.

The band – featuring Sam Healy (vocals, guitar, keyboards), Ben Martin (drums, programming) and Chris Howard (bass) – formed in 2005, and quickly became known for their intricate, progressive take on rock and electronica, their 2010 debut Grappling Hooks and follow-up Fog Electric gaining them critical praise and plenty of fans with a taste for delicately intelligent music. And while The Third Day is not a concept album like its predecessor, that continuous flow is something Healy intended. He compares it to a shortwave radio sweeping from one station to the next.

NAO’s power is in their uniqueness – they genuinely sound like no one else. And yet the sound is organic and natural. Their position outside of musical cliques is one they’re more than happy with.

‘Stunning. Sigur Ros-meets-Flaming Lips’ – Sunday Times

‘Bright, friendly electronics and lush Brian Wilson harmonies’ – Metro

Support comes from Kolo Tamam. Kolo Tamam, which means ‘everything’s cool’ in Arabic, are a Manchester six-piece founded in October 2013 by Iain North and Philip K Marzouk. Taking a range of influences from Nick Drake to Wild Beasts to Snarky Puppy, they’ve developed a sound that most often draws comparisons to Alt-J and Everything Everything.

Opening the show is TVAM. A television screen oozes technicolor trash whilst one man and his guitar puke rainbow sounds into burnt out, new-age VHS soundscapes.

PLEASE NOTE: This show was originally due to take place in October 2014. Original tickets for that date are still valid. 

Buy tickets now. Tickets are available from the bar, Common (both no booking fee), Piccadilly Records, Vinyl Exchange, Seetickets.comWeGotTickets.comTicketline.co.uk and on 0871 220 0260.

Attend on: Facebook | Last.fm

All shows are 18+ unless otherwise stated.