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When: 7.30pm on Sunday 5 October 2014
Where: The Roadhouse, 8 Newton Street, Manchester M1 2AN

We’re delighted to be working with Future of the Left for the first time.

To celebrate nothing more than a love of playing loud rock music, October (the most geometrically sound month) and a new video for the song French Lessons, Future of the Left will be ‘unleashing’ a tour across/down/inside the UK. If you attend you are guaranteed rock music and a better class of sweating room-mate. If you don’t then loneliness will surely be your pillow.

French Lessons is a song (and it is a song) about love and marriage, principally concerned with the idea that both are a trap where both sexes are forced to fill predetermined roles that limit then crush their human spirt and joy. This, of course, is absolute horseshit. If you make it dull, contemptible or lifeless then that’s on you.

Main support comes from Leeds’ Blacklisters. Blacklisters formed in 2008, quickly earning a reputation as a formidable live act through aggressive, confrontational performances riddled with dark humour. Their music has drawn comparisons to the Jesus Lizard, Shellac, Pissed Jeans and Kong. The band have released two EPs, Swords (Best Enemies) and Belt Party (Childhood Sweetheart).

Opening the show are Manchester’s own Cleft. Cleft are two blokes who really should know better by now. Describing themselves as playing ‘turbo-prog’ for a laugh when they first formed in late 2011, the odd genre title now seems to have stuck. After releasing two EPs in 2012, John and Dan loaded their gear into the back of a petulant automobile and toured around the UK, surviving on service station coffee and houmous alone. When this ran out, they started working furiously on their debut full length release called BOSH!, which was released in February 2014 and they describe as ‘slightly better than a kick in the face’.

This show is a co-promotion with Wotgodforgot.

Buy tickets now. Tickets are available from Common (no booking fee), Piccadilly Records, Vinyl Exchange, Seetickets.comWeGotTickets.comTicketline.co.uk and on 0871 220 0260.

Attend on: Facebook | Last.fm

All shows are 18+ unless otherwise stated.